Which color is 2001:420:4805:1300:214a:d728:3c10:233e ?

Last IPv6 address

Last IPv4 address

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This address, 2001:420:4805:1300:214a:d728:3c10:233e, is a modern IPv6 address which has 128 bits in it, this represents 16 bytes or octets. Your address is split in 4 24-bit chunks, each chunk is placed on a corner of the image and is used to represent a color by simply splitting those 24 bits in 3 8-bit bytes (or octets), each of these bytes represents one of the primary colors: red, green, blue. For example, your top-left chunk of 042048 is mapped into a color with: Then, linear interpolation is used to have a two-dimensional gradient between all the four corners.

The astute reader will have noticed that 4 times 24 bits is only 96 bits out of the 128 bits of the IPv6 address... Indeed, 32 bits of the address are ignored. These are:

In general, the top half of the image will never change from the same network location (it is linked to your Internet Service Provider's prefix) but the bottom part can change daily (especially when using IPv6 privacy extensions).

Copyright: Eric Vyncke, December 2014